Arcadia Track and Field Expectations and Requirements

Here you will find information regarding expectations, Attendance, Practices, Meets, Transportation, Health, Communication, and Lettering.

Athlete Expectations:

  • Be a positive student athlete for the school and community

  • Maintain high academic standards

  • Maintain a positive attitude and display good sportsmanship

  • Do not let your teammates down

  • Exhibit dedication to both team and personal improvement



Attendance is essential. Please try to make appointment times around meets and practices. Athletes will need to communicate with their coaches and inform them if they will be missing practice or a meet. Please be responsible and communicate with your coaches. You can send them a remind message, or a text message, or even an email.

Practice Schedule:

Monday-Thursday: 4:15pm-6:00pm

Friday: Off/On your own

Saturday: 9:00am-10:30am

Sunday: Off


March 13th, 14th, and 15th: Practice

March 16th, 17th, and 18th: Off/On your own


All athletes must ride the bus to and from dual and invitational meets. Athletes need to arrive at Arcadia HS at least 15 minutes before our departure time to help load the bus, and so coaches can accurately take attendance. Athletes may NOT drive themselves to meets. If a student cannot be on the bus, they need to communicate with coaches before hand to work something out. Parents wanting to take their child home early may do so after signing out and speaking with a coach.


  • Dual Meets are usually on Tuesdays or Wednesdays.

  • Any and All athletes are able to participate in Dual Meets.

  • Invitational Meets are usually on Fridays or Saturdays.

  • Top 3-4 athletes in each event will participate in Invitational Meets.

  • Athletes must have their uniforms on during every meet. If an athlete loses their uniform they will be charged a fee at the end of the season.

Health Guidelines:

Track and Field is a physically demanding sport and must be taken very seriously! Proper nutrition and hydration is extremely important when training and preparing for races. Athletes need to make sure they are getting plenty of sleep, at least 8 hours, for school and for their sporting events. Athletes need to wear proper footwear during practices and meets in order to prevent injuries. Stretching before and after workouts will also help to prevent any future injuries. If an athlete does have an injury, please communicate that with your coaches. Communication is key!!


For an athlete to be considered for a Varsity Letter they must finish the season in good standing with their team and their coaches. Athletes can earn a letter in any of the following ways:

  • Participate in at least 50% of Varsity races.

  • A senior who has put in 3 consecutive years and has a good attitude and work ethic.

  • Coaches also reserve the right to manage lettering qualifications.